Two weeks ago, I yelled up to my dad that Mother’s Day was the following week and that we needed to get her some presents. He couldn’t believe it was coming up so fast. I then told my mom that we needed to get things for Mother’s Day the next week and she said to me, “Mother’s Day isn’t next Sunday, it’s the one after that!” I pulled up my calendar on my phone, went to May 7, “See it’s Mother’s Day next week!” Just for kicks, I went to May 14. It also said Mother’s Day.
Then it hit me. I have Castilian Spanish set as one of the languages on my phone, so it shows me all of Spain’s holidays as well. It’s something so simple, that we don’t realize that Mother’s Day isn’t a fixed holiday in the world calendar. Many countries celebrate it on a different day. Heck, in the UK, they celebrate it in March!
With that said, I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to my own mother.
When I am abroad, people always ask me if my mom misses me. I mean, I guess. But I also tell them that I am an adult. I spent four years away at college and now I’m just in a different country. They say to me, yes but before you could see her often, now you can’t. So I reply that technology is great so we can text and Skype all the time. Plus, my mom tells me she would wants me to get out there and travel and see the world than sit at home. When I had expressed my concerns about going abroad again, she told me that I can’t sit around thinking the worst is going to happen. I have to go out there and live my life. Also, she is grateful for my travels because she has an excuse to come visit me and travel for herself (and with my dad, of course, but it’s not Father’s Day). So far we’ve been to Barcelona, Madrid, and London and we’re planning another trip for this Christmas!
So thank you, Mama, for letting me travel, and for funding a lot of my travels. Haha … I’m working on saving up money so I can rely on you less, but you know I’m still going to try to be cute and ask you for some help.
(Featured picture: My mom and I posing post-Disney marathon in January. I’m dressed as Princess Jasmine and my mom wears a self-created Jasmine and Jafar shirt in support.)