Stockholm Syndrome

Ok … so it’s been almost five months now since I went to Stockholm. I debated whether or not I’d post anything about my Nordic trip. At first, it made me a bit sad because now I am back at home and I can’t travel like I used to. Then a few months later, I thought “Why bother?” I contemplated just posting pictures. But right now I’m sitting at home after working a short day – bored – and thought, “why not”?

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Sweden: Discovering my Roots

When people see me, they often ask me where I was born or where my parents are from. They are always surprised to hear that I’m American. People think I’m more Latina that I am. The truth is, I’m actually quite a bit Scandinavian. My great-great-grandmother immigrated to the US when she was just 15 years old. My mom and grandma had contacts with our Swedish family, so I decided to take a trip to meet my family and learn about the past.

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