So You Want to take the DELE?

For a few years now, I’ve been saying I’m going to take the DELE. I finally decided that after four years in Spain, it was my best chance to take it. Also, since I’m going back to the United States in August, I felt that it was my easiest opportunity to take it as well. I wouldn’t be as motivated when I’m back in the US, and only the major cities have centers to take it. So, in January, I signed myself up, and took the exam!

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Welcome to YouTube: My Journey to Speak Italian

It’s been a pretty quiet summer from me. I came back to the United States for the summer to get out of that Madrid summer heat. So, this summer has been a lot of working to pay off my credit card before I go back to Europe and snuggling with my dog.

Well, since I haven’t been doing much, I decided to start a new project. My parents and I decided to go to Italy for our Christmas vacation. Why not learn Italian? So, I’ve downloaded a podcast (Coffee Break Italian) and I have a workbook.

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How Not to Pack by a Notorious Overpacker

I hate packing. Is there anything worse than packing other than unpacking? Tomorrow, I leave for Madrid, but I am so far from being ready to go. There are so many guides online on how to pack for trips abroad. Let me tell you what not to do, by a notorious overpacker.

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Interlinear Books: A Review

About a month ago, I got an e-mail from an interesting start-up called Interlinear Books. They offer what they call “subtitled books”. At first, I was unsure. Would the English “subtitles” get in the way of reading the books? I don’t know any of these stories, will they still be good? Let me tell you my opinion: this is the future for language learning.

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Books for Travelers

I’m a self-proclaimed bibliophile — I love books. It seems like every week I’m going to the library and coming home with a new stack of books to read. I prefer to go for the non-fiction books. If I’m going to spend time reading something, I want to learn from it. To help keep myself sane while back home, I’ve thrown myself into many travel books. I’ve cleaned out the library system’s Spain collections. I eventually wandered out to hit other sections, too.

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Places To See: An Updated List

About three years ago when I was getting ready for my first extended trip abroad, I created a list of the top ten places I wanted to visit. I forgot about it until recently when I went back to take a peek: I had visited six of the places, and I think I’ll get to check another two off the list within a year.

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Tortilla: How to Make the Perfect Tortilla Española

The first time I was asked if I wanted a tortilla in Spain, I said, “Sure, of course!” I love tortillas. However, I was surprised when instead of handing me a round, white, circle of flour or corn, they gave me a plate of eggs. In Spain, tortilla means omelette. I was disappointed at first, but then I learned of the magical powers of a tortilla española, or tortilla de patata.

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Two weeks ago, I yelled up to my dad that Mother’s Day was the following week and that we needed to get her some presents. He couldn’t believe it was coming up so fast. I then told my mom that we needed to get things for Mother’s Day the next week and she said to me, “Mother’s Day isn’t next Sunday, it’s the one after that!” I pulled up my calendar on my phone, went to May 7, “See it’s Mother’s Day next week!” Just for kicks, I went to May 14. It also said Mother’s Day.

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