London: Never Enough Time

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”

Samuel Johnson

Never have I agreed with words more. Stepping off the plane, I get so excited. London is spectacular. It can be daunting, for sure. London is so huge. It takes an hour just to get to the center from Heathrow airport. Yet, London literally has something for everyone. 

Unfortuantely for me, I only had one full day this time around. I was determined to fit in as much as I could in my short time, which would be mostly taken up doing on specific thing. Even though I didn’t arrive at my hostel until after midnight, I woke up before 8 AM, eager to get my day going.

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Harry Potter’s London

For fifteen years now, I have been in love with the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is actually the reason that I became an Anglophile back in June 2004, coinciding with the release of the third Harry Potter film. Eleven and a half years later, I finally made it to my favorite city and I was chock full of Harry Potter trivia and tidbits.

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